Health and Safety Risk Assessments and Method Statements
You may be required to submit a risk assessment and method statement in accordance with Health and Safety regulations. The requirement applies to any item that cannot be easily lifted manually (by one man) and / or requires electrical or other disconnection, and / or dismantling. The aim is to identify the risks involved and ensure the safe removal for the equipment and all personnel involved.
Risk Assessments and method statements might provide the following information: equipment to be removed, date of removal, overview of removal method, risks and hazards involved in removal, presentation of methods to eliminate and/or minimize the risks, name and contact number of responsible person for the removal, PPE (personal protective equipment) necessary and confirmation supplied, tools / mechanical items to be used confirming they comply with current safety certificates where applicable, confirmation personnel are competent to undertake tasks assigned to them and suitably qualified where necessary to use mechanical equipment and / or disconnect electrical or other supplies, confirmation of safe removal of any waste products from site, confirmation that the buyer has public liability insurance.
Upon arrival at site the competent person in charge of the removal must co-ordinate with the Marriott & Co. representative to discuss the removal and position barriers, tape or signs thus ensuring no other unauthorized personnel can stray into the working area. The onus is on the buyer to provide a satisfactory method statement and to comply with it. Marriott & Co. cannot allow any equipment to be removed that requires a method statement unless one has been provided and approved by us. If the method statement is not being complied with at any point during removals Marriott & Co. will immediately order a stop to proceedings.